on the image to the right to view a larger version
Relive malt shop memories and relish bobby sock reveries in our
air conditioned diner as you listen to the limited edition Wurlitzer
jukebox with quality sound that'll make you twist and shout!
Retro gifts, selected furniture, diner furnishings, 1950s decor.
Original, restored, reproduction, rare nostalgic antiques, collectibles,
die cast model cars, memorabilia, 50s icons, petroleana, and various
other souvenirs. Vintage classic fifties showcase diner, license
plates, vintage posters, glasses and mugs, 50's and 60's street
signs, Route 66 memorabilia, Mothers car care products, gas pumps,
signs, clocks & thermometers, and much more...
No matter what the occasion or reason, you are bound to find a
suitable gift in the Springfield Royal Diner Gift Shop...and remember
that you can always give a diner or a gift shop Gift Certificate
for those in your life who are a bit harder to shop for.
click on the images below to view a larger

Springfield Royal Diner Gift Shop - Vintage Street Signs

Various vintage and Route 66 clocks at the Springfield Royal
Diner Gift Shop

...and we're not kidding!

The Gift Shop offers a wide selection of T-shirts, Polo Shirts,
Jean shirts, ties, hats and caps as well as aprons and other
clothing articles.

Vintage car models and various souvenirs at the Springfield
Royal Diner Gift Shop

Neon vintage clocks at the Springfield Royal Diner Gift Shop

Corvette aprons, hats, caps, polo shirts and other clothing

Entrance to the Springfield Royal Diner Gift Store, which
offers a wide variety of various souvenirs including vintage
and Corvette pins, watches, pens, key chains, jewelry, etc.